A Criminal Record Check must be submitted PRIOR to entering dressing rooms or working with players.
Criminal Record Checks must be re-submitted every 3 years.
Additionally, individuals are required to disclose any changes to their criminal record that have occurred since their last submitted check. Failure to notify of any changes may result in disciplinary action.
The following persons MUST have a valid Criminal Record Check on file with the SDMHA:
ANY parent/guardian/grandparent who intends to enter the dressing room areas
ALL Team Staff (Coaches, Manager, Safety Person)
Scorekeepers / Timekeepers
Association Executive & Directors
Criminal Record Checks are completed ONLINE by clicking here
When prompted enter the access code: HLZEEW4R35 - There is no cost to members of SDMHA
Proof of CRC submission confirmation must be attached to your registration package. If submitted after registration, please send proof of submission to registrar@sookeminorhockey.ca
The results will be electronically submitted to Sooke Minor Hockey and held confidentially in accordance with law.
Q. Can I supply a CRC from my employer or another organization?A. No, Minor Hockey requires a vulnerable sector check, this is only available to select organizations. SDMHA requires CRC results to be directly transmitted to the association, not delivered by the person requesting the check. This ensures that SDMHA is getting a true and accurate CRC and the proper background check is completed.Q. Can I get my CRC completed on my own with the RCMP/municipal police or Commissionaires?A. No, municipal police and Commissionaires do not complete vulnerable sector check, only RCMP can complete and will only do so for certain organizations (e.g. youth sport)Q. How do I request a CRC if I cannot access the online portal, or I don't have a BC Services Card?A. Contact the Registrar for the paper form version. You will fill it out and our president will verify ID, sign and submit to the RCMP in Sooke.